Sunday, November 12, 2017


       Being a teenager can be pretty tough. You’re experiencing a lot of changes and figuring out who you want to be. A baby can make the teen years even more complicated. Chances are, you’d like to wait until you are an independent adult to become a parent. Here are three(3) P's to avoid being involved in an early pregnancy or parenthood. 

1. Postpone. If you and your partner are deciding to have your relationship in the next level but you are not ready yet to be a teenage parent or to have a family, I would rather make you postpone it for the better. In this way, you two will avoid having a baby in an early age.

2. Protect. Another way to avoid being pregnant is to have a protection or use contraceptives. So that in this way, there will be less chance for you to become pregnant. This second step is for those who are in the right age and for those who are already married, yet this is also a reminder for those who are attempting to do it.

3. Plan. This is the easiest way to avoid being involved in an early parenthood. Family planning is important because you and your partner are able to decide either you two wanted to have a baby or you two don't want to have a baby, you can also plan if how many kids you two wanted to have and most importantly, you must plan if when you wanted to have a baby.

       Knowing the facts about the three(3) P's is the most important thing you can do for yourself. If you're an adult, you can also take steps to help the teen in community to avoid becoming pregnant.

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